Signatures to get the measure on the ballot.
Municipal electric company serving the area for years.
Giant corporations fighting to take the business.
In favor of the incumbent.
In Sherwood, Arkansas, the city council had spoken: the franchise for electricity was to stay with the same neighboring provider that had reliably served the city for decades. But two corporate companies wanted the access and found a citizens and talk-radio hosts willing to do anything to snub the noses of city fathers. It was Jack versus the Giants — a handful of supportive citizens against well funded, sophisticated marketing machines from companies not accustomed to losing elections.
The facts were not easily understood
The citizens group had the facts on their side, but who understands their electricity bills today, much less the complications of electricity franchise agreements? The hardest barrier to overcome—advertisements from the corporations that promised rates would go down if the election went their way. The battle became one to change the mindset about electricity.
Goliaths tumble
When the results were counted, support for the FACES position was more than double that of the corporations. While credit for the win must go to the tireless efforts of the grassroots organizers, KC&A was proud to provide the words that helped rule the day.