Play to your strengths. That is one piece of advice I never let myself forget. There was a time when lawyers bragged on their ability to handle any case — they were litigational jacks of all trades. That time is over. More and more lawyers are seeing that they generate more promising leads by developing […]
The Age Old Lesson of Parts and Service
Salesmen are important. They are an agriculture dealerships frontline in moving the most equipment off the lot. However, we all know that the key to a lasting business is lasting customer relationships. When we center our business plan on long-lasting relationships, suddenly the parts and service counter becomes just as important as the sales staff, […]
Backwards Thinking: Using Shortline to Sell Mainline
The Current Shortline Problem… The Kirkpatrick Creative method is based on data collection and analysis. It’s incredibly helpful when talking with dealers and manufacturers about margins and bottom lines. However, in equipment sales – when the rubber meets the road – everything comes back to relationships. Finding customers and keeping them. Not just for a […]
Video Friday! Making Clients Advertisers: The Importance of Reviews, Testimonials & Case Studies
Most customers today claim to trust an online review as much as a personal recommendation. For generations, law firms have relied on the word of mouth from satisfied clients to generate new business. You better believe that online testimonials, reviews and shopping habits are having a profound effect on your chance to find new clients. […]
Social Media: An Agriculture Dealer’s Secret Weapon
Does your agriculture dealership use social media? Hopefully you’re reaching out to new and existing customers to inform and entertain. But is there something more you could be doing? What About Customer Service? With it’s speed and ease, social media seems tailor-made to help agriculture dealers and technicians solve problems and answer questions from customers. In every […]
The Efficiency of Conservative Ad Buys
Discriminate Media Buys With a Small Budget Individual dealerships often have limited advertising budgets. Even after pooling mainline and shortline funds, dealers have to pick and choose which media outlets they’re going to invest in. With dense competition, choosing the correct media channels to advertise on, can become overwhelming quickly. As with most other dealer-level […]