Let me start by saying making ads is hard, and I tip my hat to anyone who does it for a living. Being an ad man is even harder. In fact making ads, in comparison, is child’s play. If you’re investing thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in advertising, shouldn’t you make sure there’s at least a couple of ad men at your advertising agency.
How to Spot an Ad Man
Want to know the simplest way to distinguish an ad man from an ad maker? An ad man is not interested in selling you an ad. In fact, ads are the last thing he wants to sell. Ad men sell products. They sell services. Ad men don’t sell advertising. Because advertising is just a conduit to an audience, an extension of your sales team. Ad men know it’s the message not the medium that really sells…and ad men want to sell.
Another way to tell whether you’re talking to an ad man vs an ad maker…ask about the results. Ad makers talk about how creative their work is because it is visually pleasing or has a clever headline. They might even show the trophy case full of awards they’ve won. But ad men talk about results in dollars, because results in dollars are all that matter to ad men. David Ogilvy, one of the original ad men, once said “If it doesn’t sell, its not creative.” Mr. Ogilvy believed that being creative for creativity’s sake was a waste of time and a waste of dollars. He believed an ad man’s job was to sell using advertising, and at Kirkpatrick Creative we agree with him.
Stop Buying Ads. Start Buying Sales. A Manifesto.
At Kirkpatrick Creative, we sell products and services, for attorneys specifically. We track every ad we run for our clients, and we’re proud to talk about the results our ads generate. Why? Because we’re an advertising agency of ad men.
Don’t take our word for it though. Ask our clients about us. Just the other day a firm manager asked us to stop the advertising because they received more leads in a day than their attorneys could handle. These are real results. Results that can be measured in dollars. Results that make sense.
We are ad men, and women, that have a passion for making ads that work. Put us to work for you.