As a lawyer, it is important that you attract new clients all the time. The problem, however is that this is not as easy as in other businesses or professions. For one thing, there are so many lawyers in many parts of the United States that competition can be rather stiff. For another, you may be so busy with legal work that you may not have time to go out and solicit new clients.
Lawyers also have a harder time getting new business because clients want to go with the older and experienced lawyer who has been in the profession for longer. In addition to that, many lawyers are held back by legal restrictions about advertising (mentioned later) which leaves them only the option of word-of-mouth to advertise their business. Part of word-of-mouth advertising is client testimonials and these can be invaluable. Many clients are happy to give testimonials for attorneys so long as they are pleased with the services rendered.
Benefits of testimonials
Testimonials are probably the most effective selling tool for advertising attorneys. Wakefly, a leading online source, quotes research company Gartner on the value of client testimonials: “a customer is two and a half times more likely to buy a product or service if they read a story or recommendation from another happy customer.” This is because testimonials are the voice of the unbiased. They tell the story from the customer’s point of view. If the customer is happy the user feels that are more likely to have a positive experience. As an attorney this is way for you to double or even triple your client base.
What about in states where attorneys cannot use testimonials?
There are states where lawyers are not allowed to use direct marketing methods because it is considered direct solicitation of clients. If you practice law in such a state there are still other ways to attract new business. If you set up a business Facebook account or a Google+ for your business, for instance, and ask your clients to go online and give you reviews there is a good chance that these will get you new clients.
How do you use testimonials?
It is all well and good to get testimonials for attorneys but which is the best way to make use of them? Not every testimonial that you receive will be useful. The best testimonials are those that:
- Detail the benefits of your service to some degree – “he got me the award I wanted. He was always on time. He gave plenty of good advice. I paid him less than I expected”. This gives users a fair idea of what to expect if they retain you as their lawyer.
- Back up any claims you may have made to previous clients. If you have told clients that you can get mediation, for instance, use testimonials that back up your ability to get speedy and fair mediation.
- Are from relatable people. The Queen of England may be much loved but a testimonial from her is useless because she isn’t relatable. Get testimonials from clients that your users can relate with.
If you use these tips for testimonials for attorneys you will notice a significant growth in client numbers before long.