Has your agricultural equipment dealership embraced the benefits of digital advertising? If not, read on to learn how this cost-effective method sends qualified leads to your website.
Why does my dealership need digital advertising?
Digital advertising is an absolute must because the internet is where people go to research and shop. In fact, it’s likely that new prospects do this before they even consider driving to your store.
Digital advertising also increases the awareness of your brand by making sure it pops up in various places online, including search results, social media, and YouTube. Finally—and, possibly, best of all!—digital advertising is much more affordable than more traditional forms of advertising like print, TV, and radio.
How does digital advertising work?
Think of digital advertising as a tool that allows people on the internet to see your ads when they’re searching for terms that are relevant to your business. For example, someone in your area who searches for “Mahindra tractor for sale” may be presented with an ad for your dealership in their search results. Not only does this make them aware of your store, but it also lets them know that you have what they need.
Depending on your needs, goals, and budget, your dealership’s digital ads can be as simple as linked text or as dynamic as a display of your current inventory. Some digital ads can even “follow” searchers around the internet, serving as a reminder that your dealership is a good option for their next big equipment purchase. Plus, it’s easy to select the exact geographical area you want to target with your ads, so you don’t have to worry about spending your budget on people who aren’t likely to stop by.
There are several ways to digitally advertise your dealership, and it can get overwhelming fast if you’re unsure about what you’re doing. Should you be running display ads on social media? What about all the different types of search ads? Or maybe video ads on YouTube are right for you. How will you know? The best way to figure out the most effective plan for your dealership is to contact an experienced digital advertising team. (Psst—we’re right here!)
How do I make my dealership’s digital advertising campaign effective?
The first step in any effective digital advertising campaign is to research your keywords. You’ll need to come up with a strategy that involves various stages of a searcher’s intent. For example, compare the search terms “tractor store near me” vs. “used Kubota L2501DT package price.” One of these searchers is asking for more specific information, which makes him a more qualified lead than the other.
While it’s great for both leads to go to your website, the more valuable one is who you really want…which means they’ll be priced accordingly. This is where ad bidding comes in: more specific keywords—which are typically used by searchers further down the sales funnel—are more valuable, so you’ll have to pay more to increase the chances that those better leads will come to your website.
You’ll probably need to give your campaign a month or two to see how it does. Then, you’ll have to measure and adjust your ads accordingly. Since this can quickly get complicated, it’s a good idea to hire an experienced ag digital ad team who knows how to analyze your campaign results and tweak them as needed to get the best bang possible for your hard-earned buck. Plus, savvy digital advertisers can keep your dealership up-to-date on the latest developments and strategies that can benefit your business.
What else should I do to help my digital advertising?
Digital advertising involves more than just buying ads on Google and Bing—or at least it does if you want it to be effective! For best results, you should supplement your paid search, social media, and other digital advertising campaigns with the following:
- Traditional marketing, including TV and radio commercials and print ads.
- A great website that’s designed to capture qualified leads.
- SEO-boosting content like blogs and videos.
How do I start a digital advertising campaign for my ag equipment dealership?
This post is a (very) basic outline of what digital advertising can do for your agricultural equipment dealership. While it’s a relatively simple concept in theory, doing it effectively is complicated, time-consuming, and downright stressful. Fortunately, the team at Kirkpatrick Creative is prepared to help your dealership fine-tune its digital advertising because we’ve been doing it for years.
Want to reap the benefits of digital advertising, but don’t have the time to take on yet another task involved in running your dealership? Put us to work for you! Contact Kirkpatrick Creative today for a digital advertising plan that’s engineered to work as hard as you do.
Photo by Mark Stebnicki from Pexels